The School Day
Great Horwood CE School opens at 8.35am and closes at 3.15pm.
It is compulsory for children to attend between 8.45am and 3.15pm
Early birds breakfast and Night Owls after school club are optional activities
The compulsory school week is 32.5 hours.
Please see below for a typical school day timetable:
7.40am Early birds breakfast club
8.35am School gate is opened by the member of staff collecting the bus children
8.35am Whole School Early morning activities
8.45am Registration
9.00am Phonics and Spelling
10.00am Morning Worship
11.00am Break time
11.15am Lessons
12.15pm Lunchtime
1.15pm Lessons
2.20pm Afternoon break for key stage 1
3.15pm Home time and after school activities
3.15-5.30pm Night Owls after school club (6.00pm on a Tuesday & Wednesday)