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Ordering your New School Uniform ready for September

All uniform items can be ordered through the ‘My Clothing’ website. These branded items with the school logo on are a required part of the school uniform.

Directly from My Clothing

Burgundy Sweatshirt


Burgundy Cardigan


Royal Blue Polo shirt


All pupils are Great Horwood Church of England School are required to wear school uniform. A copy of the latest uniform policy can be found on the policies and procedures page. 

Our policy is based on the concept that a school uniform:

  • promotes a sense of pride in the school;
  • fosters a feeling of community and belonging;
  • is practical and smart;
  • sets a high standard of appearance, whilst remaining accessible cost effective.

The role of parents: 

We embrace diversity and individuality at the school within the context of creating an outstanding learning environment. We simply ask that you help us to create this environment through your support of the policy, as acknowledged in the home school agreement. We request that you send the children to school well presented, in school uniform and with a hairstyle that is practical, but not distracting. We ask that the items of clothing meet the uniform criteria and are clean and in good repair.  

By practical hairstyles we specifically mean that any child with long hair has it tied back, so it does not get in the way of the day’s work and is not distracting by nature of it being an extreme style. Hair bands and ribbons should be plain and in school colours. 

Please be aware that jewellery and wrist bands/bracelets are not permitted for health and safety reasons. However, in exceptional circumstances requests to change uniform on religious grounds can be applied for in writing to the Head teacher. All requests will be considered, and advice taken from appropriate religious leaders or advisors. Parents may be asked to provide contact details of your religious/cultural leader, elder or advisor so that school can better understand your request. 

Our school uniform consists of the following:

  • Burgundy sweatshirts, or cardigans with the Great Horwood School logo. (This is a required item) 
  • Grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore dress. (This is a required item) 
  • White shirt or blouse with collar or polo shirt, with or without logo. 
  • Royal blue checked (Gingham) dresses can be worn in the summer (This item is optional) 
  • Matching plain white, grey or black socks 
  • Plain grey tights 
  • Black school shoes 
  • Hair accessories should be plain navy or burgundy 

Children should also wear sensible school shoes which are suitable for playground activities. Shoes with heels and boots are not allowed. Plain black trainers will be required in school every day to change into at break and lunchtimes and for PE or other outdoor lessons specified by the class teacher.  


  • Royal blue polo shirt with Great Horwood School logo (This is a required item) 
  • Shadow stripe navy shorts (This is a required item) 
  • Plimsolls (EYFS) for indoor activities. (This is a required item)  
  • Black trainers for breaktimes and outdoor activities. (This is a required item) 
  • Navy/black tracksuits for colder months (This item is optional) 
  • Tights are not permitted to be worn for PE so a pair of socks will be required 


  • All children must have a clear & labelled water bottle. Water is provided daily in school. Children may bring clear flavoured water, but we ask that children do not bring juice of squash to school. 
  • All children in EYFS and Key Stage 1 may choose to purchase a navy-blue reading book bag. These can be purchased with the school logo on from My Clothing or can be plain navy blue purchased elsewhere. 
  • Jewellery should not be worn at school for reasons of safety and security. However, children with pierced ears may wear small, plain stud earrings, which must be removed for P E. If ears are newly pierced, then please provide mircopore surgical tape to cover earrings and ears for 6 weeks. Please email the school office or class teachers to inform school if your child has newly pierced ears and is going to be using micropore tape. 
  • Children are permitted to wear the school’s own ‘values wristbands’ of Love, Perseverance and Respect which are awarded to children for demonstrating these values. These must also be removed for PE lessons. 
  • Watches may be worn at the child’s own risk, but we politely request that fit bits are not brought into school as these are expensive. In line with our e-safety policy SMART watches are not permitted. 
  • Make-up, nail varnish or acrylic nails are not permitted to be worn in school.  
  • Long hair and fringes should always be tied back and hair in a suitable style for school.   
  • An apron or old shirt to protect clothing during art/design technology lessons may also be required as directed by the class teacher. (Optional)
  • In hot weather children must wear a hat/headwear to protect themselves from the sun or adverse weather conditions. All headwear must be of plain colour.
  • Children need to come to school with a coat. During break times and lunch children will still be going outside even in cold, wet and windy conditions.

The PTFA  keeps a selection of second hand and pre-loved uniform that is sold at discount prices at regular intervals during the school year. Any money raised is used to support the PTFA. The PTFA regularly hold pre-loved uniform sales during the school year at events, for example, the Christmas Faye and sports day. At other times please contact the school office or members of the PTFA if you wish to purchase pre-loved uniform. The school will gratefully receive any donations of school uniform. Please bring into the school office or pass onto members of the PTFA