Great Horwood School Church of England Curriculum
At Great Horwood Church of England School we teach the National Curriculum in a way which motivates and engages all pupils. It is coherently planned and organised in a way which ensures the knowledge and progression of skills in all subject areas are met. It is also planned in a way which ensures children revisit and recall concepts, ideas and vocabulary in order to commit knowledge into their long term memories. Teachers use a variety of different strategies to make learning memorable. As a small village school with mixed age classes we have planned a two yearly curriculum to ensure full coverage within the Early years Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1, Lower Key Stage 2 and Upper Key Stage 2.
The curriculum is planned around main and mini topics each term. These are cross curricular wherever possible and in line with our vision enable connections to be made and and learning to become meaningful. In the summer term the children are able to select a topic of their own choice to learn about. Topics chosen in the past have included Birds, The Titanic, Ancient Egypt and 'Under the Sea'. The children particulary being able to chose their own topic for the end of the summer term. Occasionally where learning does not fit with topics it is taught discretely, for example RE, maths, PE and Modern Foreign Languages. Teachers assess children's knowledge of the current topics prior to teaching and plan lessons matched to the needs of the pupils ensuring relevant knowledge and skills are taught. The topics close with an experience or clear end point which serves to encourage reflection and will consolidate the learning that has taken place i.e. a presentation, displays, enrichment day or a visit to a relevant setting.
Curriculum overviews for all subjects are shared with parents on the website in order that they can support the children’s learning outside of school.
Please find below our Vision and Curriculum Offer alongside our Intention and Implementation documents for all subjects. You can also find out more about how we teach our curriculum at Great Horwood School by clicking on the subjects links on the right.
Great Horwood Church of England School Curriculum Mapping
- Acorns EYFS Curriculum Long Term Plan Cycle A 2025-2026
- Acorns EYFS Curriculum Long Term Plan Cycle B 2024-2025
- Conkers KS1 Curriculum Long Term Plan Cycle A and B 2024-2026
- Maples LKS2 Curriculum Long Term Plan Cycle A & B 2024-2026
- Hawthorns UKS2 Curriculum Long Term Plan Cycle A & B 2024-2026
- National Curriculum 2024 A link to the National Curriculum for all subjects