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Special Educational Needs and Disability

Provision for Special Educational Needs at Great Horwood Church of England School

At Great Horwood Church of England School, we have high expectations for all and are committed to making ensuring children who may require additional support are quickly identified and appropriate support put into place.

Quality first teaching and ordinarily available provision are used by Class Teachers and LSA’s to make reasonable adjustments to provision, ensuring the curriculum is accessible to all. Strategies such as using technology, now and next boards, movement breaks and chunking of tasks are used widely across the school. More specific, individualised provision is detailed within pupil support plans; carefully designed alongside both pupils’ teachers and parents/carers to ensure effectiveness.  

In School, Special Educational Needs and Disability is coordinated by Mrs Chelsea Dumbarton with additional support from SENDco's within the Oxford Diocese Buckinghamshire School Trust (ODBST.)  Mrs Dumbarton can be contacted on where she will respond to emails as required.

Our SEND policy can be found on the Policies and Procedures page on the school website. Information around SEND, our approach as a school, the voice of the pupil and the role of parents can be found in our information report and through the local offer; both can be found below.  

If you have concerns about your child, please do not hesitate to contact their class teacher. This can be done using the class email addresses listed below:

Please note that teachers will endeavour to respond to all emails within two working days.

We welcome your feedback on how we provide for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities and endeavour to provide regular opportunities for parents and carers to share their views and opinions around SEND support at Great Horwood.

Please contact the school office, on, should you wish to speak to the SENDCo or the Headteacher.  

Great Horwood Church of England School SEND Report

SEND Intent Statement

Great Horwood SEND Barriers to Learning

The Buckinghamshire Local Offer for Special Educational Needs and Disability

Buckinghamshire Council publish a 'Local Offer for Special Educational Needs and Disability' on their website.  This provides an up-to-date resource bank of information and support for pupils with SEN and their families within Buckinghamshire. There are also helpful links to days out, short breaks and financial advice and support for families within the local offer website.

The Buckinghamshire Local Offer for Special Educational Needs and Disability can be found here: Local Offer for SEND in Buckinghamshire | Family Information Service

Buckinghamshire Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support (SEND IAS) Service, formally known as the Parent Partnership offer support at an 'arms length' from Buckinghamshire Council.  More information can be found on their website.  
SENDIAS can be accessed here: Bucks SENDIAS service | Buckinghamshire Council