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Sustainability and ECO Curriculum

Great Horwood Church of England School ECO Code

  1. Save Water
    We will use water wisely and turn off taps when we're not using them.

  2. Save Energy
    We will switch off lights and computers when we're not using them.

  3. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
    We will reduce waste, reuse items whenever we can, and recycle materials like paper, plastic, and cans. We will recycle paper and use both sides before throwing it away!

  4. Look After Nature
    We will take care of our playground, garden, Forest School area, outdoor spaces and our village by picking up litter and planting trees and growing our own vegetables.

  5. Eat Healthy and Waste Less Food
    We will try to eat healthy food and avoid wasting it. We will try to eat our vegetables, even if they are not our favourite! 

  6. Use Transport Wisely

    Even though we cannot have a walking bus because we don not have a safe crossing point in our village, we will walk, cycle, or carpool to school whenever possible to reduce pollution.

  7. Learn and Share
    We will learn about the environment and share our knowledge with others.