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Collective Worship and Spirituality

Our School Vision 

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you,

you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5 

Inspired by Christian faith and rooted in the teachings, values and spirituality of the Church of England we embrace our core values of love, perseverance and respect where all individuals learn to value themselves and others.  

Collective Worship is at the very heart of Great Horwood School and the community it serves. Our daily worship is inclusive for all pupils, staff, parents and visitors whilst recognising and respecting the different beliefs and cultures within our school community.  At Great Horwood School we offer a richness and variety of worship from the traditional Anglican with Bible readings, prayers and children's hymns to the more reflective and comtemplative calming style worship. 

Our pattern of Worship follows the Church Year and Anglican traditions and the children enjoy planning and leading some of our favourite services such as Advent, Christingle, Candlemass and Pentecost. We are delighted that Reverend Stephen, from St James Church is leading our weekly key stage worship.

The children at Great Horwood School speak with passion and enthusiasm about their worship, remembering favourite stories from the Bible, our Communion services in School and the Stations of the Cross. They are able to say what they enjoy about worship and what difference it has made to them in their daily lives. The children are planning and leading school worship and they take their responsibility for this seriously and reflect on the message they wish to portray.

Our Collective Worship Policy can be found on the Key Information and Policies tab. Details of worship planned for each term can be found below.

Collective Worship Planning Autumn Term 2024

Worship at St James Church

What is spirituality?

At Great Horwood School we decided that this quote by Stoter,1995 best fit the context of our school.

‘Spirituality includes the whole range of the person’s life experiences, their successes and failures, joys and sorrows, strengths and weaknesses. It embraces background, culture, work experience, home and social life, everything in fact that makes for the uniqueness of the person, with a unique capacity to respond to life events and situations’.

Spirituality at Great Horwood School

At Great Horwood Church of England School we have agreed that Spirituality means different things to different people. It differs from person to person, and often spirituality changes within people during their lifetime. Spirituality is not the same as having a religion or faith; a person can be spiritual without having a particular faith.  

At Great Horwood School we have agreed that spirituality is:  

Something beyond what you can see, the material and physical self. Spirituality is more than just what people experience on a sensory and physical level. Instead, it is a feeling that there is something greater, a quality that touches us all and involves deep feelings inside.  

It is a connection to something that is bigger than ourselves. It is a connection with the wonder and energy of life. It connects all people to each other and to the universe itself with love. It is about awe and wonder, asking ultimate questions and being inspired to look beyond ourselves and serve and care for others, the environment and beyond. 

To read more about how we develop spirituality of Great Horwood School please see our spirituality document below.

Remembrance Service in School and at the War Memorial

Spirituality of Great Horwood School

Collective Worship Planning 2023-2024

Collective Worship Planning Academic Year 2022-2023