Year 6
- Michael Morpurgo "Why the Whales Came", "Warhorse"
- Anne Fine "I am David"
- Robert Westall "The Machine Gunners"
- Roald Dahl "Danny, Champion of the World"
- Morris Gleitzman "Blabbermouth"
- The Wolves of Willoughby Chase - Joan Aiken
- Johnnie's Blitz - Bernard Ashley
- Carrie's War - Nina Bawden
- This Poem Doesn't Rhyme - Gerard Benson
- Classic Poems to Read Aloud - James Berry
- The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgson Burnett
- The Midnight Fox - Betsy Byars
- The Coming of the Surfman - Peter Collington (Picture Book)
- Over Sea, Under Stone - Susan Cooper
- The Great Elephant Chase - Gillian Cross
- Truth, Lies and Homework - Josephine Feeney
- The Wind in the Willows - Kenneth Grahame
- See Ya - David Hill
- Granny - Anthony Horowitz
- When Hitler Stole Pink rabbit – Judith Kerr
- A Wizard of Earthsea - Ursula Le Guin
- In Deep Water - Michelle Magorian
- The Haunting - Margaret Mahy
- Thunder and Lightnings - Jan Mark
- Forever X - Geraldine McCaughrean
- Someone Came Knocking - Anne Merrick
- Anne of Green Gables - L. Montgomery
- Double Image - Pat Moon
- Why The Whales Came – Michael Morpurgo
- The Snow Spider – Mary Nimmo
- Mrs. Frisby and The Rats of Nimh - Robert O'Brien
- Verse - Kingfisher Publication
- Clockwork - Philip Pullman
- A World of Poetry - Michael Rosen
- Bug Muldoon and the Garden of Fear - Paul Shipton
- Journey of 1000 Miles – Ian Strachan
- Beowulf: Dragon Slayer - Rosemary Sutcliffe
- Becky Bananas - Jean Ure
- I Like This Poem - Kaye Webb
- Sword in the Stone - T.H. White
- Talking Turkeys - Benjamin Zephaniah
Reluctant boy readers:
- Anthony Horowitz "Alex Rider" series
- Eoin Colfer "Artemis Fowl"
- Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean "Wolves in the Walls"
- Terry Pratchett "The Johnny Maxwell Trilogy"
Confident Readers
- Malorie Blackman "Noughts and Crosses", "Hacker"
- lain Serrailier "The Silver Sword"