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Vision and Values


Great Horwood Church of England School

'I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.'

John 15:5


At Great Horwood Church of England School, the academic, emotional and spiritual well-being of all individuals is at the heart of all that we do; where everyone is valued.  We are a safe, welcoming school within the heart of the village community that aims to provide all our children and adults with the learning opportunities to flourish, be healthy, grow in resilience and realise their full potential; being fully equipped and prepared for a successful future. 

Inspired by Christian faith and rooted in the teachings, values and spirituality of the Church of England we embrace our core values of love, perseverance and respect where all individuals learn to value themselves and others. 

We are committed to setting high standards of achievement within a caring and nurturing learning environment. We aim to provide opportunities for children to develop a curiosity of learning, a thirst for knowledge through play, and an exploration of the world around them.

Great Horwood Church of England School Prayer

Dear God,

Thank you for our wonderful school and the education it provides. Help us to grow our fruit and strengthen our branches by showing love, demonstrating respect and persevering in all we seek to accomplish. Guide and protect us as we connect with ourselves, others and the world, enabling us to flourish. Amen 

(Updated by Year 6 children July 2023)

Spring Term Values


We also promote other Christian & British Values, and Character Education Values in our daily Worship and Curriculum as part of a three yearly cycle.