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Learning at Home


Little Sound Cards

Every Friday we will add the new graphemes (letter shapes) to your child's sound wallet.  These are the graphemes that correspond to the phonemes (sounds) we have learnt that week.  We would like you to play 2 games every day please:

  1. Quick fire letter to sound correspondence - show the grapheme and your child should respond with the phoneme.  If they pause just offer them the sound and pop the card back in the pile again.  If they get it straight away put that card to one side and return to it the next time you play the game.
  2. Giggling Graphemes - you present 3 sound cards (eg s a t) and ask your child to show you the card that says ssss etc.  Change the 3 sound cards and repeat.

Tricky Words

Some words are frequently found in texts that we read but they cannot be decoded using phonics because they do not follow the usual rules.  These are tricky words.  Use the tricky word cards in the sound wallet to reinforce learning at home.  You should go through these every day.


We will send you an alert every Friday when a new electronic book is available for you to share with your child.  This book is phonetically decodable because it will only contains the letters, sounds and tricky words that we have learnt in school.  Please read this book every day until the next one is uploaded.  Your children may well learn it off by heart but this will help develop confidence with reading.


If your child initiates mark making and writing at home we would love you to share it with us.  Either send it in to school and it will be added to the Learning Journey.  Or send a photo to the class email (  This may look like 'scribbles' and you can scribe what your child says about it.  It may be random letters but again you can scribe.  Thank you.